
The Art of Ramon Ramirez

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Born and raised in Los Angeles, the urban landscape has made a tremendous impact on the development of my psyche. I paint the urban environment, not to replicate it, but to digest it and to understand the trends and social conditions that it generates.

The visual arts have allowed me to perform reconnaissance and interpret my environment. Not only do I aim to satisfy an internal need to better understand who I am, but I also hope to communicate to a larger forum my observations of the environment’s effect on our aesthetic values and its constant evolution.

In analyzing our city, the realization of multiple authors has become a key ingredient of my work. No one single entity is responsible for our urban landscape. There are circumstantial forces at work that weave an unintentional aesthetic. This observation has led me to explore the use of multiple materials as a means to communicate the rich urban texture around us. In my approach, I always start with an inspired image; however, I embrace various elements, including gravity, to help manifest the image, often changing course from the initial intention. As our environment is continuously expanding and contracting, I similarly see my work in a constant state of flux, aiming to bring a visual understanding to our changing community.

-Ramon Ramirez